Vinegar Hill Interview
MM:Its great to chat to you today how much are you looking forward to playing The Metal over Malta Festival IV in March?
VH:The pleasure is all mine! We can´t wait to do this show in Malta, it´s kind of a special show to us. I mean, it´s the first show we travel by plane, that´s pretty cool! New milestone for us!
MM: What can we expect from Vinegar Hill Live
VH:We´ll do a complete new liveset with many new songs from our new album „Ghost Flowers“! It´ll be a pretty heavy setlist, fast and powerful! I´m sure there´ll be lot of movement in the crowd!
MM: Have you ever been to Malta before ? there seems to be a good Metal scene on the island! Will you have time to venture around the island or will it be a flying visit.
VH:No, it´s our first time in Malta. But we´re really looking forward to this short trip. We´ll be there for 3 days, so there should be some time to see more of the island than just the bar at the festival!
MM: The line up is awesome who are you most looking forward to seeing play?
VH:Right, it´s a great line up this year! It´s hard to pick one... We´re looking forward to meet new people, new bands and having a good time in Malta!
MM: Which two tracks would you play me to introduce me to Vinegar Hill if I was a total newbie to your band.
VH:That´s a tough question – I think I would pick „Sinner To Be Saint“ and „The Shift Of Reasons“!
MM: You recently released "Ghost Flowers" how pleased are you with the response from media and fans.
VH:The response is overwhelming, we´ve never expected that. Sure, you´re hoping that fans and media like the new record and so on...but the positive reactions we recieved are still unbelievable!
MM: You head out on tour with Dark Tranquility and Equilibrium in April , is their any where you are especially looking forward to playing
VH:This will be a great tour, and there are many great venues and cities on our dates! I think that the show at the Ragnarök Festival in Germany could be a special one! It´s a great festival, awesome lineup, and they celebrate their 15th anniversary this year!
MM: You guys have been around since 2007, is it difficult at times to find inspiration and create new ideas for songs and directions to take the music further?
VH:That´s always the hardest part, but we´ve no pressure to release the next record. So it´s a pretty relaxed situation. At the time we´re focused on our liveset and rehearsing for the upcoming shows! We´re also working on some new ideas for videos to some of the new songs from „Ghost Flowers“! Enough work fo the next time...
MM:What would you say has been the bands biggest achievement to date?
VH:I think, „Ghost Flowers“ and the upcoming shows may be our biggest achievements. But in the past, there were also some shows like the tour with DEADLOCK or the show at Austrias biggest Open Air Festival, the Nova Rock Festival, in 2015! We´ll never forget this shows...
MM: Who would be the ultimate Band to go on tour with?
VH:Our upcoming tour with DARK TRANQUILLITY is something like a dream come true for us! They are legends in the MDM, they influenced a whole genre, a whole generation of artists and bands. So DT is like one of the ultimate bands to go on tour with!
MM: The Bands motto in life?
VH:Do what you love, and love what you do!
MM:How is the Rock /Metal Scene in Austria.
VH:There´s a big underground scene, many good and talented underground bands. And also many small festivals and shows. But you need to step over the borders if you want to reach a higher goal, Austria is way to small to be successful with rock and metal.We´ve founded a small association (BandMeetsBand) a few years ago and arrange some shows every year, Feel The Noise Festival as example. We´d like to give local bands the chance to share the stage with international bands, like Destruction, Vader, Ektomorf, and many more at this years Feel The Noise Festival. This is our way to support the scene!
MM: Four Words to describe Vinegar Hill
VH:Austrian Modern Melodic Metal
MM: Quick Fire Round
1.Festival or Small intimate gig - VH: Festival
2.Vinyl or Digital - VH:Digital
3. Beer or Wiener VH:Schnitzel - Beer
4.Lederhosen or Mankini VH:- Lederhosen
5. The Sound of Music or head in a ice cold bucket of water VH: – bucket!!!
Do you have any Final Words for your fans and our readers
VH:Support your local scene – no YouTube-Video or Spotify-Playlist can give you that feeling a liveshow does! Talk to the musicians, have a beer together, support them with buying a CD or a shirt or something like´s so important for young bands to receive this support. Even the big ones started in a small club or something like that. And let´s be honest, a beer at the club is way better than the canned beer on your couch, isn´t it?!