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                                                                               Sun Descends Alone  14/05/2024

MM: First up can you give us some insight into your band and who are your main influences

Sun Descends Alone: Well, Sun descends alone is just one person. The project is born from the ashes of my previous band, a gothic metal duet based in Russia, we were writing and recording our second album (btw, the first is impossible to find), but at some point, we parted ways, and for several months and personal reasons, I thought they´d remain unreleased forever, but I´m the kind of person who needs to finish what starts, so after a while, I decided to take care of all the instruments and vocals myself and start writing again. The process turned out to be very fluent and the ideas and inspiration started appearing from out of nowhere and in a very natural way, in a couple of months I had finished the composition of 6 new songs, so I decided to contact L´Arte produce, my current label, and introduce my project. From the beginning they seemed to be very enthusiastic and I'd say we're teaming up really well.

As for my main influences, I'd say gothic rock and metal bands, such as Sentenced, To die for. Anathema, Alcest, Him...

MM:Does the band have a main songwriter?

 As I'm the only member of the band, yes.


MM:Tell us your plans festival and tour wise

Unfortunately I cannot play live yet, but I'd love to take my songs to the stage. Maybe I'll start in an acoustic format, but at certain point, if the album works well and people are interested, I'll think of recruiting musicians to play in an electric format.


MM: Best and worst thing about playing live


The best thing is the adrenaline and the feedback you get from the audience. I love that.

The worst, I'd say the conditions we find sometimes in some venues or festivals. But it's something all of us have to deal with


MM: Weirdest venue you have ever played


A language school.

MM:Who would be your ultimate touring buddies

Definitely, Sentenced, but I guess I'm late for that 

MM: Is their a song written by another band you wish you had written


Untouchable, by Anathema. Both parts. 

And Sweet child o mine, I'd be rich due to royalties haha!


MM: What was the first album you ever owned


Use your illusion 2, by Guns n roses 


MM: If there was a song about yourself what would it be called


Demons within


MM:Final Words for your fans our viewers and listeners

Thank you so much for the interview. It was a pleasure to answer your questions.

Also I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to read it, I hope they'll give a chance to Sun descends alone and why not? Maybe some of them will buy the album.

Horns up!!


The Metal Gods Meltdown

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