Thé Insecure interview 27.01.23
MGM: Being a Belgian band ,is it hard to get gigs in other countries?
There are a lot of factors that come with it. You gotta do the work, make
connection to people in the industry and sometimes you need to have some
balls and just ask for opportunities ,take the risk. This year we would like to start
touring out of Belgium. Do some weekend tours in France and the Netherlands.
MGM: Can you tell us about your Band and who’s your biggest influences
The Insecure started in 2016. We play a mix of skate punk and melodic hardcore
Over the years we had some line-up changes and are now with two members
and like it that way.
PJ: My influences are pennywise, NOFX, PUP and Bad Religion.
Tim: I like many band in the Hardcore and punk scene. I take many inspiration of
those bands and also from the local scene here in West-Flanders.
MGM: Still an alcoholic is an absolute killer demo. How did the release go?
Any plans for a full album on the cards?
It was great the place was packed and we’re really happy we could do it in our
favourite punk venue The Pits in Kortrijk.
First we gonna play some gigs and promote or first demo and maybe look for a
full release this year or next year.
MGM: At what age did you first become interested in Punk/hardcore?
and your first album you ever owned
PJ: it started early for me, around 12 or 13. I played a lot of games like Tony
hawk, guitar hero, ... Which had a lot of punk music in them. I had double pack:
first album of Pennywise and Smash from The Offspring.
Tim: Before 2005 I listened to metal. More to nu-metal (Slipknot). I later
broadened my horizon the more metal genres and of course Punk and Hardcore.
I still like the metal genre very much but my love goes more to Punk and
Hardcore. My first album I bought was Alien ant Farm – Anthology.
MGM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your
own) and why?
PJ: Mine was in 2018, Jera on Air. NOFX was headlining. It was the first time I’ve
ever saw them. There were a lot of people and I got squashed to the barricade
in the front row. I cried, my mouth was really dry, but it was the best show I’ve
ever seen.
Tim: My most memorable gig was not a punk gig but a metal gig at Graspop
metal Meeting. It was the first time I saw Lamb of god and I think it was my
second or thirth festival. The atmosphere was very crazy. The band and the
crowds energy was not normal.
MGM: If you could do a collaboration with any band or musician who would it
be and why
PJ: If he was still alive I really would like to do something with Bradley Nowell
from Sublime. I think he had a nice way of song writing and I like his lyrics of
difficult relationships.
Tim: I want to collaborate with all sorts of musicians in all genres of music. But If
I have to choose I would choose for GG Allin and The Murder Junkies.
MGM: What do you guys want your fans to know about you that they might not
know already?
We keep the money that we earn in the band so if you buy merch or CDs you
just helping us making new merch, new cds, ... Otherwise we are an open book
no much tings our fans don’t know.
MGM: Have you ever played at a wedding ?
If we ever play at a wedding the bride would run away screaming. But if they ask
we are interested.
MGM: Tell me about your worst performance
At pigfest in Kuurne we had the bright idea to drink a whole bottle of tequila
before our gig. We don’t remember much of it except Tim Losing his guitar cable
while playing a solo and not having a clue.
MGM: Do you experience stress before going on stage?
Off course that’s why we’re called The Insecure. In the beginning it was difficult
but we played many gigs to this day and now don’t have so much of stress
MGM: Are you from a musical or artistic family?
PJ: I have to grandfather’s who played harmonica and that’s it. It’s still a family
Tim: My grandfather played Clarinet for a little while, my father worked at a
radio station and my brother also plays guitar.
MGM: what does your typical weekend look like
PJ: it’s about 50/50. Some weekends I stay home and play some games, watch
some movies otherwise I go out with friends and paint the town red.
Tim: I used to go to gigs every day of the weekend. But now that I’ve come a
daddy this is reduced (family life). I’m glad that sometimes I can go to a
performance and I can perform myself.
MGM: Is there any musicstyle you don’t like?
PJ: I wouldn’t say hate but I’m not really into Dutch hip hop. The new stuff isn’t
for me.
Tim: I really enjoy listening to all genres of music. No hate. As a musician I think
this is interesting and you can learn from it.
MGM: What are your interests outside music?
PJ: I’m a big comic book nerd and I have a deep love/ hate relationship with pro
Tim: I like to play games on my computer and this year I got my motorcycle
license. A ride on my motorcycle can be super nice.
MGM: If you were an instrument what would it be and why?
PJ: it be a theremin. It’s a weird instrument. It doesn’t have many uses but the
on use it has it does perfectly.
Tim: A Triangle because I’m not a square.
MGM: How would you describe your fans?
It’s a small community of friends of ours. They can be a little rowdy at some
times but they all have a big heart. We hope to gain more over the years.
MGM: Tell me why we should check out The Insecure live
We are a wild duo on stage and do our best to make it a nice party. We are
always open for a chat.
MGM: Any final words for your fans and our listeners,viewers?
We would like to add that our demo can be listened to on various streaming
services such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTubeMusic, ... If they want to contact
us: you can message us on our Facebook or Instagram we answer fairly quickly.
Don’t be afraid to catch one of our performances and
STAY INSECURE (1) The Insecure | Facebook