Skinpeeler and GSTNK interview with Gerti Van de Blumenweide
MM: First up can you give us a brief history about yourself and your bands and influences
Hi, my name is Jay and I am 54 years old. I am a musician from Germany. my influences are punk and metal music of the eighties. especially black and death metal. my first band was Berzano, which I founded in 1998. very noisy black metal. then followed On Horns Impaled, old school black metal. After that I played in Discovered (Discharge Cover Band) and Kadaverficker the Bass. From 2017 we founded GSTNK and in 2021 I founded Skinpeeler. There are still a few projects, but they only release songs every now and then.
For example Buster X Keaton, Disvirus, Sore Humanity...
MM: Will u be releasing a full-blown album think
yes, gstnk and Skinpeeler have released great albums in the last six months
MM: Tell us your plans for the year are u booked for festivals and tours
For both bands, gstnk, and Skinpeeler we will record ep I only play live very rarely now, actually only when there are exclusive offers, there are no plans for this year yet
MM: What was the first gig/ concert u ever went to
My first real concert was in the mid-eighties with the Stranglers and the Ramones
MM: and The last one
Against Evil in May and Denomination in June 2023
MM: If there was heavy metal song about yourself what would it be called
Sick Motherfucker
MM: if u were a musical instrument what wud u be
MM: Is there particular a song written by someone else you wish u had written
I don't know
MM: Tell me why we should check out your bands
Because they are all good
MM: Four words to describe your work honest, hard, intense and true Any final words for your fans and our readers
Thanks for the interview, yeah check out my bands, and always count on us, we're always there!