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                                                                                   A Short Interview with  David Davidson


MG: Hey hows it goin

DD:Yeah really great thanks

MG: "Deathless" is out soon, do you a personal favorite on the New Album, which I have to say I personally feel to be your best album to date!
DD: Its hard to say really we've have been playing "Madness Opus" a lot live and the crowd response has been really great.  I am also pretty partial to "Witch Trials" the album closer I just feel its a really epic track, it showcases the elements of our sound.


MG: If I was totally new to Revocation which songs would you have me listen to , to introduce me to your band.
DD:I would say "Dismantle The Dictator" which is probably one of our most popular songs its got a lot going on and fully showcases what Revocation is all about.  "No Funeral" , "Invidious" would be a cool song to check out and "Madness Opus" of the new record.

MG: Plans for the rest of the year and what can we expect from a Revocation show.
DD:We are over in Europe soon with Aeon and Cannibal Corpse.
We will be playing some tracks of the new record and throwing in some of our older work, we like to play  a high energy set and looking forward to being with all our fans in Europe. In the UK we are play the Damnation Festival , London, there's 3-4 UK dates arranged.


MG:which bands influenced you growing up and now.
DD: I would say Pantera, really got me into Metal. Aerosmith seeing Joe Perry playgot me into guitar. I kinda went onto Guns N Roses and learned tons of Slash licks and riffs. But really Pantera started me going down the heavier side with bands like Megadeth ,Cannibal Corpse on the Trash Metal side. Then the more obscure bands.

MG: Do you feel the industry is healthy in the USA
DD:I feel the industry is struggling all around and I hope it will get figured out. We are not really making a good living , I hope this will change . We have signed to Metal Blade who are very passionate  about the band and stoked about the new album.

MG: Describe the new album "Deathless"
DD:Heavy, Progressive and full of Solos!


MG:Thanks for your time and we look forward to catching you at The Damnation Festival


Inteview  Seb Di Gatto



The Metal Gods Meltdown

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