MM: Can you tell us about your Band and whos your biggest influences
Ocultum is a band that is characterized by being independent, we work under the rigor of the sun and dust. Our music is born beyond influences, it is born from anger, from the need to tell the damn scene that we don't need a hug to be there.And my biggest influences in general are loneliness, disappointments, drugs. We don't make cool music.
MM: Where do you draw your inspirations and ideas from
As I mentioned before, these are born of anger, desolation, anger and the dark passages that life itself teaches you.
MM: What would you say is your Bands favourite song ?
I really like the acid road theme, it is an introduction to the new path of the band, after the composition of the ceremony, an acid road that leads you to burn your feet.
MM: Plans tour and festival wise for 2021
We were hit by the pandemic and previously by the social outbreak in Chile, it was worth more to go out to protest than to go out to play live. We now have plans for 2022 but on the issue of the vaccine I will wait for the tide of social fever to go down.
MM: What can we expect from you guys live
Phew, a good slap of dense riff but at the same time hypnotism, anxiety, and feeling high without consuming it. You have to be prepared for a journey that will take you through all states of mind to land refreshed and ready to fight the next day.
MM: What do you like best and worst about touringThe best thing is the people you deal with and who make agreements with non-profit types of people, the scene is difficult to be able to be with the stars turned off. LOL
The worst thing is having to go to sleep after the musical vacilon,
MM: Which three Bands would be your ultimate touring buddies
Wow, electric wizard, dopefight, and why not, conan.
MM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own) and why
I went to see belzebong and eyehategod, uff very good bands, I wanted to see neurosis live.
MM: What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment so far with
The musical composition since without it there is nothing.
MM: Which are your Two favourite Albums of all time
Lateralus tool, mr bungle disco volante
MM: Can you remember the first time you ever played live and how it felt to have people watching you?
If it was when I was 17 years old I played in a place that no longer exists, it was for a contest and we won it, the best thing was with our own music. Very good compositions of adolescents.
MM: Growing up which Bands posters did you have on your bedroom wall.
Jajaa I really liked metallica, guns in those days, van damme.
MM: Who do you think influenced the world of Metal / Rock more than any other person
Ozzy, john wetton, Iommi, clif burton.
MM : What's the most important thing to the band right now?
Putting out a new production, I won't die trying, touring and I think it's about time they saw us on stage.
MM: If you could do a cover of any song which one would it be and why?
I've never really liked doing tributes, I hate them, even though I think there are bands that deserve it, but I don't usually idolize bosses. They are just instpirations.
MM: Tell us why we should buy and listen to your Band
I don't know if they should, the music is there to be listened to, if you like to buy it and help the band, if you don't like criticism, what they say about us does not affect us, we are already used to rivalry and bad vibes from others . I believe that music is not given to anyone either, you must listen to know if you are worthy of acquiring.
MM: Four words to describe your Band
Some, fuck, fuzz, doom
MM: Final Words for your fans and our readers
Music is a trip not a vanity, prepare your good dose of weed and when you are aimless, tired of social shit or any other shit, give yourself a gift of your time and put play to residue. The last dinner. Hahaha greetings