Lords of Salem Interview with Marple Martin 16/8/19
MM: It’s great to chat to you today, how pleased are you with your EP ”Hell Over Salem" and the response from fans and media
Marple:Well, we are very happy with our EP and we are even more overwhelmed by the media and fans' reactions that they love our sound and everything ...
MM: All the songs are amazing, but which is your favorite on the EP today
Marple:My favorite song on our EP “Hell over Salem” is “Zombie Monkey Women”
MM: How does the song writing process work within the band? Is it down to one particular person or do you all get involved?
Marple:There are different ways, you can do it alone and bring a song to rehearsal, or you can sit together and say hey I have a reef, let's see what happens, or a good friend of ours "Dorian" was ours first guitarist, who has written a lot of songs at home, which is unfortunately no longer there due to lack of time, because he studies sound designers. The songs on the EP are also by Dorian and Postel.
MM: The EP cover is eye catching did the band have a lot of involvement in its design
Marple: The whole design actually comes from me ... because I like to try to live it out very much, the picture to our cover comes from a friendly photographer "Thomas Kilian" I saw it and said to him that's what we do on our EP
MM:How difficult is it to stand out from your peers in the 21st Century.
Marple:Actually it has not always been that easy, in the past it was not so easy to spread his music, of course it is very easy today, if that is better?
MM: What Bands influenced your sound and Look
Marple:Bands that give us inspiration 😊 KISS, Alice Cooper, Led Zeppelin, Madonna, …..
MM:Is an Album Planned ?
Marple:YES, we already started with the first things, but there is no title or artwork yet, we are just at the beginning, but we also got some contact with labels, because we would like to have a really cool label ... we are open to everything.
MM:Can you tell us your plans for tours and festivals
Marple:We want to play all over the World 😉, we work hard for show in the future, we need your support for the UK, this is a dream to play the UK.
MM: What can we expect from Lords of Salem Live
Marple:Rock n Roll, Dead, Sex, Pop, Action
MM : What do you like best about touring - how do you rate the importance of being seen live and meeting fans whenever possible?
Marple: I love it, it's also the most important thing for the fans ... as there is not that much with CDs ... and we love to meet all our fans, we always try to have plenty of time to talk, To have fun or take pictures, everyone comes by and do not be shy ...
MM: if you could choose 3 bands dead or alive would you love to go out on tour with
Marple:KISS, Five Finger Death Punch, Alice Cooper
MM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own) and why?
Marple:My first KISS I was 12, and … yeah this is what I love 😊, it was mit “Postel” (Singer Lords of Salem)
MM: Can you remember your first time you ever played live and how it felt to have people watching you?
Marple:Not really, but I do not have a big stage fever ... I love to entertain people.
MM: What was the last Album you brought/ Downloaded.
Marple:Judas Priest “Firepower” (CD) great fucking cool album.
MM: Which are your Two favorite Metal Albums of all time and what they have meant to you personally
Marple:KISS : Alive, Alive 2, Alive 3 ,
MM: Tell me why we should listen and buy "Hell Over Salem"
Marple:You want the best ….. hahahaha ok is from KISS, but you like cool fucking Rock n Roll, you must listen (buy) all Bands, but first LORDS OF SALEM hehehehe ….
MM: Four Words to describe the great Lords of Salem
MM: Quick Fire Round
1.Festival or Small intimate gig : M: Festival
2.Vinyl or Digital : M: Vinyl (or CD)
3. Beer or Frankfurters :M: Beer and Women
4.Oktober fest or Wacken :M: is it not the same !? WACKEN
5.Accept or rammstein :M: mmmh I like Accept when I was Young, but Rammstein the Show is cool
Final Words ??
Marple Martin: THX to all people that’s support the music, bands … and help us to go bigger … support all.
We Love You All, the LORDS OF SALEM are coming.