Legion Within
Label: Roxx Productions
Release Date: 2nd September 2016
We have recently reviewed a few bands from Ireland and this time it's the turn of a band from the Northern Side of the country , presenting the mighty head bruising,frantic, Metaltastic and insanely addictive Indominus. With the crashing of cymbals the EP opens cracking you hard in the face as the band unleash the hell hounds from Gomorrah.
This is an almighty bruising opener that will see you head banging and diving into the maelstrom of Metal mania. I love the way the guitars chug partway through as the band slows for a brief respite , then building back up, to see you crashing into the mosh pit of insanity.
"Backbone" has been getting some airplay and its easy to see why, Alan's vocals are savage and uncompromising exuding the violence of a pissed off Psychopath in a abattoir with a switch blade knife! this is brutal and fucking fantastic as the Devil steals your soul! Nathans Drums are struck with such menace along with the thudding Bass from Mark they combine to wake the dead lost souls in the depths of hell.
Quick fire drums ignite and delight as "Shadow" envelops you in its heavy cloak of sheer scintillating Metal gratification. "Shadow" is furious and rabid as Logan and Simon let fly with some delirious riffs. "Fragile Existence" the brain cell destroying rhythms resonate making your blood pump fast, faster and faster , this will beat you up with a vengeance.
To what is already an outstanding EP the best is left to last with the title track, this is a full blooded Death Metal track with guitar shredding and bass resounding around the room and hellish screams from the vocalist and Simon too, this is the complete package and one of the most viciously competent EPs we have heard this year with out a shadow of a doubt!
So finally:
I have had this EP few weeks and listened to it a hell of a lot and rather than just bang out a quick review like some Web Sites do , we pride ourselves on listening and letting the Metal Music flow . These guys are awesome and worth checking out ,they are due to play Monsters of Rot in Letterbreen Co. Fermanagh this month. Make sure you get yourself to this festival and catch Northern Ireland's brightest , heaviest band and seize a hold of the EP!I cant wait for the Album!!
Review:Seb Di Gatto Score:9/10
Reviewed : 1st August 2016
4.Fragile Existence
5.Legion Within
Members: Lead Vocals - Alan, Guitar - Logan, Lead Guitar - Simon, Bass - Mark, Drums - Nathan