Hole In The Frame Interview 13/12/24
MM: Can you tell us about your Band and whos your biggest influences
Hello people! Thanks for your time. We are Hole in the Frame!
We are an Italian band made up in Molise (in the South of Italy) in 2014, aiming of creating music free of any kind of traditional label, still full of feelings and emotions, misery, and rejection for the modern system, which appears to be plastic and a creature of habit, unable to host pure and sincere thoughts.
We were born in a little reality to scream aur regret to the contemporary system.
A lot of artists inspired us, like Pantera, Metallica, Rage Against the Machine, Korn, Slipknot, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Rush, and more others. We must thank our parents for their music imprinting! We feel so lucky!
MM: Where do you draw your inspirations and ideas from
We are inspired by the frustration that we feel every day in our lifestyle, the anger to the social inequities. We write about the discrepancies created by the capitalistic system; the sense of unconsciousness that clouds the mind of every one of us. This system chews us and spits us, and we do not realize this. For this reason, we want to follow our fight through music!
MM: What would you say is your Bands favourite song?
We really don’t know. We write a lot of good songs, according to us. But we think that our favourite song is “Resist”, a song extracted from the 2nd Album. This one represents our battle hymn!
MM: Plans tour and festival wise for 2025
Regarding the tour, we’re trying to plan a tour in Japan or in Balkan Countries with Volcano Records & Promotion. We would like to play in Resurrection Fest in Spain or in Waken in Germany
MM: What can we expect from Hole in the Frame live?
A lot of energy and passion! We think we do not have half measures. We are a punch in your face! You either like it or you don’t.
MM: What do you like best and worst abt touring
We like know people and other bands. In tour you have the lucky to see new places and different cultures. That means a lot to us; knowing is a good experience to have the inspiration to write a new song and find out new way for self-knowledge. The worst could be the food.
MM: Which three Bands would be your ultimate touring buddies
Oh man! It’s a good question! Thinking about the past, without any doubt, with Pantera. Then with Korn and Rage Against the Machine.
MM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own) and why
The last one in Molise, our country. The festival is call “Baloma Bikers” and it’s the most important event that takes place every summer. It was important because it brings a lot of artists from all counties, like Creedence, Gus G, Mike Terrana, Ian Paice, and more others. In this festival you can
know a lot of Rock’n Roll artists that have made the history. So, you can have the opportunity to grow up and share the stage with this people.
MM: What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment so far with Hole in the Frame?
The fact that after 10 year of work we are still right here despite we live in different places of the Country! We are united! We love make music because we keep the identity of the band untouched, and we write music for ourselves.
But we had a lot of satisfactions. For example, the fact that many people from our Country and outside began to take interest to us. Then the realization of many products of quality, starting from videoclips to our recordings made us proud of our work.
MM: Which are your Two favourite Albums of all time
Vulgar display of power by Pantera and Physical Graffiti by Led Zeppelin
MM: Can you remember the first time you ever played live and how it felt to have people watching you?
Yes, we can! It was a strange day and the audience looked at us strangely. We were not yet very good, but we realized that we had skills to move forward. We were very happy to show for the first time our music and message to the audience. The thing that we remember most is that we were drunk a d exited!
MM: Growing up which Bands posters did you have on your bedroom wall?
Well! Let me think…We can say the poster of “Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, The Doors, Bob Marley” and others from our favourite movies, for example “Pulp Fiction”. MM - Who do you think influenced the world of Metal / Rock more than any other person? Well…We think Ronnie James Dio first, then Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest. Wet think that’s all for now. MM - What's the most important thing to the band right now? Don’t mistake our opinion! But we think that the money is the essential part of bands right now. But we still believe that the supremacy of art will change this situation!
MM:If you could do a cover of any song which one would it be and why?
What is and what should never be by Led Zeppelin because we think that is a strong and groovy song.
MM: Tell us why we should buy and listen to your Band
On every platform like Spotify, You Tube, You Tube Music, Amazon Music
MM: Four words to describe Hole in the Frame
Experience, Roots, Sacrifice, Resistance!
MM:Final Words for your fans and our readers
We are Hole in the Frame! We are a punch in your face! We are true and we are in pursuit of truth!
We are out of the system and mind patterns! Fight for your freedom and do not conform to false morality.
Thanks for your questions! Greeting from Italy! Bye!