Grand Magus Interview 20.05.2016
MG: Congratulations on the New Album how pleased are you with "Sword Songs " and What’s the Reviews and feedback from the fans been like .
JB:Incredibly good I must say. Also it’s interesting to note that we have become a much more well-known band over the last couple of years, not only because there are more reviews and reactions, but also that they are more polarised – most seem to really love it and a few people think it sucks. This is great, because it proves you are on the right track, if you try to please everyone you are truly lost.
MM: Would you say "Sword Songs" has evolved into the sound Grand Magus have been working towards since you first appeared on the scene all those years ago.
JB: Well, every album we have done has been a very honest reflection of where we were as people and as a band at that particular time, so I guess we couldn’t have done this album at the start of our career.
MM: If I was Totally new to Grand Magus which two tracks from "Sword Songs" would you play to me to introduce me to the new Album.
JB: Freja’s Choice and Forged in Iron – Crowned in Steel.
MM: What does 2016 hold in store for Grand Magus tour wise..
JB : Firstly we have quite a few festivals this summer and then we have a whopper of a European tour coming up in the fall.
MM: The artwork is always eye catching do you all have an input into the design.
JB: Yeah absolutely. At the same time we give Anthony a lot of freedom to do what he feels is right. It’s a great collaboration I think.
MM:Wolf art seems to be a feature as well, do you have Wolf tattoos yourself, and what inspires you guys so much about wolfs.
JB: No wolf tattoos yet, thinking about one though, but I haven’t done a tattoo in 15 years because it’s become such a mainstream cliché, but we’ll see, haha. The wolf is such a beautiful, fascinating animal, how can you not be inspired by them?
MM: Are Wolfs quite common in Sweden or do you need to go further into the wilds to see them.
JB:Well, I think it’s estimated that we have about 400-500 wolves in Sweden, so I wouldn’t call them common by any stretch of the imagination. They are also very wary of humans. Just a lucky few get to see them for real.
MM: When you are touring how do you occupy yourself between venues
JB: Trying to stay away from the booze for as long as possible, haha. Well, taking longs walks is a good thing to do and if there’s any nice nature around, like a forest or a lake I like to go there. Eating good food is also a nice way to spend your time.
MM: Can you remember the first gig you ever went to and who or what inspired you to become a musician
Grand Magus : My first real gig was probably Nazareth and Uriah Heep in my hometown of Falun in 1984/85??? Ritchie Blackmore was the reason I started playing guitar and he’s still my greatest idol.
MM:If you could ask one of your heroes/someone who’s inspired you a question, who would it be and what would you ask them?
JB: Hmmmm…. Let’s see… I’d like to ask Quorthon who Vvornth and Kothaar were and if they actually played on Blood Fire Death or not.
MM: What would you like Grand Magus to be remembered for in a 100 years time.
JB : Being the real fucking deal.
MM: Silly question: Ikea, Beer or Meatballs ?
JB: Beer AND meatballs! You can keep Ikea, haha.
MM: Final words for your fans and our readers
JB : Heavy metal is the law!