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Gama Bomb
Untouchable Glory
Label:AFM Records
Release Date 30th October
The mighty Gama Bomb return with their trademark humor and the Head Banging , Pounding, Thrash Metal they are so well known for.
“Ninja Untouchables” is a fast neck breaking opener that gets you bouncing around the room in a thrashing frenzy with some “hoo hoo an ha has” thrown into the mix it’s cracking, and leads to the frantic “Avenge Me” with Phillip Brynes vocals weaving the magic of Punk angst with a speeding Metal delivery from the rest of the band, I am sure this will soon become a fan favourite live and it is a highlight for me on this album.
There's no let up as the relentless pummeling Thrash batters and bruises your senses “Drinkers Inc” lyrics make ya chuckle as you dive head first into the whirling mosh pit of Alcohol fueled bedlam.
“My Evil Eye” is a no nonsense machine that sends you into maelstrom of banged heads and stage diving abandonment. “Tuck Your Shirt in” is a slower song on and off and has the excellent and funny chorus of “Tuck Your T-shirt in” This band from Newry make you laugh and smile as you thrash and bang your head hard to the Metal riffs that exude from your speakers.
The carnage of Gama Bomb is instantly addictive and continues to hold your attention through out as “Ride The Night” and “She Thing” annihilate your brain cells. “Witching Mania” splits your skull and whirls you around like a dervish on speed , its another highlight on here that I kept going back to. “James Joint” is hilarious and lasts just under a minute, its all about weed case ya hadn't guessed! “Raging Skies” “I Will Haunt You” and final song “After The Fire “ continues the onslaught with the addictive break neck riffs and hellish drumming.
So to sum up The five piece have stood by their three strict self-imposed rules over the thirteen years they have been in existence with no clean guitars, synths or ballads allowed.
Gama Bomb are a true No Bullshit , fun Metal Band “Untouchable Glory” is a competent album dripping in 80s thrash inspired riffs with 20th Century themes it’s not gonna change the world but it’s a going to please the bands faithful and Thrash aficionados with out a doubt.
Review :Seb Di Gatto Score:8.5/10 Facebook Website
1.Ninja Untouchables Untouchable Glory
2. Avenge Me
3. Drinkers Inc.
4. My Evil Eye
5. Tuck Your T-Shirt In
6. Ride The Night
7. She Thing
8. Witching Mania
9. James Joints
10. Raging Skies
11. I Will Haunt You
12. After The Fire
Band Lineup:
Philly Byrne – Vocals
Domo Dixon – Guitars
John Roche – Guitars
Joe McGuigan – Bass Guitar
Paul Caffrey – Drums

The Metal Gods Meltdown
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