Frequency Overload interview 20/11/24
MM: Can you tell us about your Band and whos your biggest influences
Frequency Overload is a Long Island-based four-piece of Metal pros forcefully
delivering a Hardcore-tinged reinvention of Crossover Thrash. The foundations of
Frequency Overload began with guitarist Corey Schaefer and drummer Kevin
Daily, who share a history in metal. Corey’s time in bands like Uncle Jack, Nothing
Sacred, Kryonix, Misery, and Misery Kills led to a solid foundation in guitar and
songwriting, which also led to support slots for Devildriver and Kittie. Kevin honed
his percussion roots by jamming to Metallica’s Kill ‘Em All when he was 14. Later,
a run in Akalamathesia and tenure in Long Island’s iconic Exit Verona led to
reigning strong in the Hard Rock scene to include shows at the legendary B.B.
King venue in NYC. With a new metal venture in mind, Corey set out to round out
a lineup. Self-proclaimed “Chokalist” Mr. Bush stepped into the vocal spotlight, no
stranger to the experience as the frontman of Social Disease, Ironlung, Evileye,
Welt, and Pummel, and former labelmate of Dominus-era Michael Poulsen on
Progress Records. Steve Little completed the lineup as an experienced bassist of
30 years, playing in Cobalt 60, Intogreen, Image Within, and Ionize. The
unfortunate loss of a bandmate led Steve to step away from music for some time,
but Frequency Overload was just the right project to bring him back on the scene.
The moment Frequency Overload jammed together, they realized they had landed
a lineup that felt “more right than ever” according to Mr. Bush, with effortless ideas
and comfort as if they had been playing together for years. The synchronistic flow
led to the completion of their debut full-length within a year of formation. Life of
Agony legend and renowned producer Joey Z recorded, engineered, mastered,
and even jumped on some backing vocals for Fate Anthropic, with the exception of
two bonus tracks done by Corey at Fat Bottom Studio. Corey came to the band
with a lifetime supply of songs, but also began to write new riffs on the fly,
organically flowing with the lineup. Mr. Bush is behind the majority of the lyrics and
vocal melodies, ad libbing patterns to fully articulate later on. Frequency
Overload’s lyrics push forward with intensity, addressing the darker side and
challenging topics of life without hesitation. Frequency Overload is made up of
Metalheads making the music they love. Frequency Overload attributes their
fortitude to each of their wives and families, who support their metal lifestyle to the
fullest extent, along with the inspiration found in their friend and mentor, Joey Z.
Their combined thousands of live performance experiences continue to take them
to new heights and beyond. FREQUENCY OVERLOAD has been influenced
through all our long time in bands by everything we have heard and experienced.
Our music is a melting pot, with something for all metal heads.
MM: Where do you draw your inspirations and ideas from
We draw inspiration and ideas from life itself, the human condition. Our own
experiences and the sociological and psychological maelstrom around us. We
also like to have fun, and some of the lyrical eye focuses on using sarcasm to
make a point.
MM: What would you say is your Bands favourite song ?
Without a doubt for me it’s LOVE AND BULLETS! This song has become a crowd
favourite and sing along!
MM: Plans tour and festival wise for 2025
We are currently recording our second album for SODEH RECORDS, and we are
applying to and researching booking some US festivals now..but nothing written in
stone yet.
MM: What can we expect from FREQUENCY OVERLOAD live?
Expect as fun energy and diverse break downs and melodies. Expect driving,
infectious rhythms, and anthematic sing alongs,
MM: What do you like best and worst about touring?
We haven’t toured yet, being only 2 years old, but our out state gigs have had
great responses. The best was having people who only know of us through
streaming, coming out to a show and showing support...the worst was the driving!
MM: Which three Bands would be your ultimate touring buddies
We would love to tour with Life Of Agony, DRI, and Sacred Reich!
MM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own)
and why
We did a band field trip to see JInjer in Connecticut at Toads place. What a Blast! Seein them
in a club atmosphere as tight and defined as they are was awesome.
MM: What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment so far
So far we feel the biggest accomplishment was the 2024 release of the
FREQUENCY OVERLOAD debut album FATE ANTHROPIC. It has been well
received and we are happy with it after alot of work.
MM: Which are your Two favourite Albums of all time
This is Mr. Bush so i can only speak for myself...Carnivore Retaliation, and
Pantera Far Beyond Driven.
MM: Can you remember the first time you ever played live and how it felt to have
people watching you?
Yes it was scary and intimidating...that was in the summer of 1986.
MM: Growing up which Bands posters did you have on your bedroom wall.
Venom, Nuclear Assault, Slayer, C.O.C., Agnostic Front, and Carnivore.
MM - Who do you think influenced the world of Metal / Rock more than any other
For me personally, Dave Mustaine. He was at the center of the big four of thrash.
MM - What's the most important thing to the band right now?
Right now our main goal and priority is the second album. We are devoted to
making it absolutely excellent.
MM:If you could do a cover of any song which one would it be and why?
I’d like to cover Balls To The Wall by Accept! I remember loving that when it
came...cathchy, fun, and heavy.
MM: Tell us why we should buy and listen to your Band
You should listen to FREQUENCY OVERLOAD because we are not easily defined
as a sub genre of metal. In fact we have been called “genreless”, by one reviewer.
We cannot be pigeon holed and this band can easily snowball into an immense
force in music.
MM: Four words to describe FREQUENCY OVERLOAD
Diverse, catchy, heavy, and fun.
MM:Final Words for your fans and our readers
A final word! Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to share our music with
you. All roads begin at . Please join our contact list,
request us, and share with your friends. We are counting on YOU to spread the