Fatality Interview 11/09/20
MM: Can you tell us about your Band and whos your biggest influences
Fatality was formed in 2016 by Josh, Gareth and ex-drummer Chris. In 2017 we recruited bassist Matt Shynn and subsequently recorded our second EP which we released in 2019. We did a small tour of the ‘Prey’ EP in aid of MIND and raised over £500. In November 2019 we parted ways with drummer Chris and joined forces with Jordan Maze who now completes our current lineup. Since his recruitment in late 2019 we’ve written and performed a new set of tracks with Jordan as well as some Fatality originals. We played our first show with Jordan on a live stream in Summer 2020.
We draw our influences from loads of different avenues. Musically some of those would be bands like Lamb Of God, Limpbizkit, Machinehead, Fear Factory, Papa Roach and Slipknot. As far as non-musical influences go we usually draw that from events in our lives that directly affect us or things we strongly believe in. This usually translates pretty well into performance as we can convey our energy and emotion about each song over to the audience.
MM: Where do you draw your inspirations and ideas from
As mentioned before we are inspired by things that are real to us and that affect us. We find it to be a good way to convey our feelings and messages across and we also think it comes across in our energy when we play live. Our songs are mainly about things that are on our mind at the time. Life events, the state of the world, video games haha! We do have a strong connection with mental health however so a lot of our songs are about that in one way or another.
MM: What would you say is your Bands favourite song ?
As a band I would probably say our new single ‘Juggernaut’ is our favourite. Juggernaut is about always standing tall, getting up when you’ve been knocked down and giving it your all no matter what you’re aiming for in life. We can all be that Juggernaut if you put your mind to climbing that mountain that’s in front of you. This is quite a strong message for this time even though it was written before the pandemic. I guess it’s a message that can be used at any time of struggle whether it be a global thing or something personal to someone.
MM: Plans tour and festival wise for 2020
Well, at the moment we’re unable to play unless there’s a completely reduced capacity which isn’t what we’re all about so the simple answer is we don’t have any plans tour wise. As soon as we’re allowed to perform in indoor venues/outdoor venues or at festivals then we will be tirelessly booking and performing at shows again.
MM: What can we expect from Fatality live
High energy, non-stop, action packed shows! Big riffs, popping drums, punchy bass and a high energy vocal. We like to give as much energy and flare as we possibly can, We want to have that feeling that we’re almost going to collapse when we get off stage.
MM: What do you like best and worst about touring
The best thing is playing shows to different people across different towns and cities. It’s always a different experience so it never gets boring. Something new happens at every gig and there’s always good memories from each one.
The worst thing is how absolutely knackered we are after each show! As we’re so high energy on stage we find it very difficult to gather the energy to do anything else after a performance. We usually just want to have a cup of hot chocolate and snuggle up with a blanket in front of a warm fire.
MM: Which three Bands would be your ultimate touring buddies
Good question! There’s so many bands that we would love to tour with that we look up to. If we had to narrow it down to 3 it would have to be Slipknot, Papa Roach and Linkin Park.
MM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own) and why
Personally for me (Josh) it would have to be Download 2014 where Linkin Park played Hybrid Theory in full! To hear them play such an influential album so brilliantly and also to listen to the late, great Chester Bennington sing absolutely note perfect was honestly something I will never forget.
MM: What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment so far with Fatality
It would have to be our mini-tour of our ‘Prey’ EP in which we raised a great amount of money for MIND. Mental health is something that’s so important to us in Fatality and we were absolutely honoured to have been able to help an amazing charity with their very important mission.
MM: Which are your Two favourite Albums of all time
How about one from each of us?
Matt: Hybrid Theory - Linkin Park. It introduced me to heavier music. From there my whole world opened up
Gareth: Obsolete - Fear Factory. It inspired me to listen to a more modern style of metal.
Jordan: Allegiance - As Blood Runs Black. It was the first time I was ever speechless whilst listening to a drummer.
Josh: Take Off Your Pants And Jacket - Blink 182. It got me through some really tough times in my youth and always reminded me to look on the bright side of things.
MM: Can you remember the first time you ever played live and how it felt to have people watching you?
I can remember it very well. I was so nervous and I had to neck a pint of beer and a double whiskey just to get the courage to get up on stage. After that gig finished I never needed a drink to get up on stage again. The buzz and adrenaline that I get from performing our music in front of people is far better than any drug.
MM: Growing up which Bands posters did you have on your bedroom wall.
Literally all of them. My (Josh) bedroom wall was absolutely covered floor to ceiling in band posters of all the rock/metal/emo/nu-metal bands of the late 90s/early 00s. Anyone you could name from that era made an appearance at some point or another.
MM - Who do you think influenced the world of Metal / Rock more than any other person
This one is so difficult to answer. There are loads of people who have been so influential in metal and rock music. Without bands like Maiden and Sabbath I guess we wouldn’t even have metal music today. But then if you look at people like The Beatles, they hugely influence rock music throughout the ages. In conclusion I cannot answer your question. There isn’t one person who has influenced metal and rock more than anyone else.
MM - What's the most important thing to the band right now?
Creating and playing music that we enjoy and that is important to us. Pushing the boundaries of what we’re capable of and smashing through any glass ceilings that are above us.
MM:If you could do a cover of any song which one would it be and why?
We’ve covered loads of songs previously. For each tour or string of shows we do we like to throw in a different cover that we play in our own way. If we could pick one for the future maybe we could pull off our own version of Bohemian Rhapsody, with a metal choir or something like that! Why? Because it’s probably the greatest rock song ever written.
MM: Tell us why we should buy and listen to your Band
Because you won’t regret it. Listen for yourselves and then get back to us.
MM: Four words to describe Fatality
Big sound. High energy
Final Words for your fans and our readers
We have new music in the works as always. We have a few tracks that are ready to be released and a load of new material that we’re working on at the moment. ‘The Lesson’ ‘Indemnify’ and ‘Eight’ will be released over the next few months. We also have our new single ‘Juggernaut’ accompanied by a music video out to stream everywhere now!
You can catch us on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer as well as YouTube and, as far as we’re aware, pretty much any streaming site out there. Just search for Fatality Band Uk and you’ll find us.
@fatalitybanduk on Twitter