Fatal Switch
MM: Can you tell us about your Band and whos your biggest influences
FS: We are Fatal Switch, a Rap Metal Rock band that has infused a hybrid sound of heavy guitar mixed with hip hop in our own unique way. We push the boundaries through our approach of blending story telling with sonic mayhem. All five of us have very different influences which compliments each other in the song writing process. We derive inspiration from bands like InFlames, Metallica, Children of Bodom and Rage Against the Machine.
MM: Where do you draw your inspirations and ideas from
FS: So many different sources of entertainment can trigger a moment of creativity. It be anything from a good film, TV show, documentary, podcast, a walk int the woods, the moon, the stars, etc… All sorts of music can inspire us as well. Listening to bands that carved out their sound is always something to aspire to.
But as far as the concepts of our songs are concerned, we easily draw inspiration from a young woman named Sian and her alter ego called Hyde. She is the main character in a universe that we built around her in our debut album titles Doctors & Demons. As she navigates her way on a journey through, demons, robots, cyborgs, war, homicide and aliens she writes her own story and delivers us our songs.
MM: What would you say is your Bands favourite song ?
FS: Good luck getting all five of us to agree on one lol. Umm let’s say Nothing Else Matters by Metallica?
MM: Plans tour and festival wise for 2020
FS: We had some really cool shows lined up including CMW in Toronto but all this fun stuff has been cancelled due to COVID. I am hoping we can pick up the ball in 2021 where we left off so we can meet more cool people.
MM: What can we expect from (Band Name) live
FS: Tons of energy! We definitely bring our game live and have even worked with a live performance director (Pimp your Show) to help elevate our stage presence. The results truly show and our whole performance is structed around the stories on the album. Plus our sings have been reworked to have a version of them you can only hear live and I’ll be moshing with you in the crowd at some point!
MM: What do you like best and worst abt touring
FS: Hitting the road to play in another city is always very exciting. It’s a great way to connect with fans while promoting our music. The best thing is meeting new people, taking in new sights and spending quality time with the guys. The worst thing is the cost and the travelling.
MM: Which three Bands would be your ultimate touring buddies
FS: Don’t be too surprised if I say Metallica lol. Half the band are diehard fans. That leaves two more to go. Tough call… OK I’ll say Eminem because just his presence would elevate my rap game. And Slipknot because I think they would as entertaining off stage as there are on stage.
MM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own) and why
My first Iron Maiden concert. It was a road trip with brothers and I and we saw them at a very intimate venue. Like I mean the stage was so low and close I could practically touch them. It was also one the first of many road trips I ended up doing with the boys and every time it’s amazing. But this one still stands out as the first and the best.
MM: What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment so far with
FS: Very proud to have my album out and all three singles airing on national TV (Stingray Loud). Its kind of unbelievable that the very first song I have ever released in my life got picked up and aired. And my following 2 singles were as well making that every single I have released to date. Straight to national coverage! That is something I will always be proud of. Many thanks to my team and Manager Pedro Barbosa for making that happen!
MM: Which are your Two favourite Albums of all time
FS: I don’t think I have two favourite albums of all time but 2 albums I can listen to a million times and never got bored of are Midnight Marauders and Rust in Peace. My brother introduced me to Megadeth and they have some of the most interesting compositions that I will never get tired of. And A Tribe Called Quest blew my mind open from the very time I heard them.
MM: Can you remember the first time you ever played live and how it felt to have people watching you?
FS: Someone once told me that performing someone else’s song live versus your own is a very different experience. I disregarded that advice at first and was like “nah I’ve been on stages my whole life how can it be different?”. Well the difference is once you get up there you instantly realize that people are listening to YOUR music and you start wondering what they think of it. Is it good? Bad? A lot starts to run through your mind and you need to stay very focused on the material and block everything else out.
I quickly learnt that the crowd feels what you feel. Bright lights were on me and everything feels hotter than should but I just told myself that I knew the material and to relax and enjoy myself. Everything went smooth from there.
I remember we had a show once where the sound was so terrible that not a single person could hear one word I said the whole set. But after the show I still had numerous people come to pay us compliments and say that they still enjoyed the show because they saw how much fun we were having.
MM: Growing up which Bands posters did you have on your bedroom wall.
FS: I wasn’t allowed…. But I had 2Pac, Biggie, Eminem, Busta Ryhmes, Nirvana, Green Day, Aerosmith, all plastered on in the inside of my locker as school. It was only when I got older than I really fell in love with metal.
MM - Who do you think influenced the world of Metal / Rock more than any other person
I don’t think there is much debate on this. I am not a huge fan or anything (though I enjoy their music) but that would have to be Black Sabbath. There is no denying what they did for Metal and Rock.
MM - What's the most important thing to the band right now?
FS: Getting our material into as many ears as we can and writing new material for our second studio album. And as soon as the world is healthy again, we look forward to touring.
MM: If you could do a cover of any song which one would it be and why?
FS: We have discussed some interesting cover ideas as a band already. Covering a song without making it your own can be somewhat boring so if and when we do a cover it needs to stands out. I actually have some ideas for Street Spirit by Radiohead. Apart from it being one of my all-time favourite songs the lyrics actually work with the concept and storyline of Fatal Switch. Plus, I would really pick that beast apart and put it back together as a rabid Cerberus.
MM: Tell us why we should buy and listen to your Band.
FS: Well if you are looking to hear rap metal done in a different way there is no reason not to give us a listen. If you enjoy songs that play out like a movie reel in your head then we might be the right band for you. And if you want to see some awesome music videos that playout like a movie definitely give them a watch! We welcome all members to our tribe and we appreciate all who give our music a chance to live and breed inside your head.
MM: Four words to describe (band Name)
FS: Groovy heavy cinematic horror.
Final Words for your fans and our readers
FS: Thank you all for spending time to get to know us a bit! We love having these kinds of chats and we think The Metagods Meltdown does a fantastic job of giving the artist a voice. Please find us on social media and keep in touch! Much love and noise – Fatal Switch.