Title: The Twisted Jester
Label: Independent
Release date 31st August 2024
Elkapath, led by Carla Elkapath, are set to release their new EP “ The Twisted Jester” at the end of August 2024.
The EP delivers six tracks that blend synths and heavy guitars in perfect harmony. “Fight or Flight” kicks off this outstanding release showcasing the band’s strengths with a heady bass and drum line, delicious keyboards, and Carla’s addictive vocals. It’s a fantastic start from Gloucestershire’s finest. Things just continue to leave the listener spellbound as“Sacrifice” features a delicious synth-oriented groove that builds in intensity. It’s a real power trip that will stay in your head for days.
This work of art just grows into a monstrous gothic masterpiece with "No Bride" The combination of powerful rhythms and gothic elements makes “No Bride” a standout track, adding to the EP’s overall impact. Elkapath’s ability to blend synths, heavy guitars, and symphonics showcases their unique sound and creativity. The more introspective “Love Forgiveness” reveals the band's range and depth. It’s exciting to see how they blend different styles and emotions in their music.
“Show Me” sounds is an absolute highlight on here, With killer riffs and spine-tingling vocals, it’s no wonder it’s my favorite track. The stunning video that accompanies "Show Me" adds an extra layer of excitement and visual appeal to the song.
This Gothic-inspired group creates such impactful music and visuals that truly set them apart from many up-and-coming bands in the scene.
It’s always thrilling to find a track that resonates so much. “Fakery” with its biting lyrics and stabbing grooves, rounds off “ The Twisted Jester” as one of the best releases in the genre. Elkapath’s ability to deliver such impactful music is sure to set them up for success, especially when the festival season comes around again.
Review: Seb Di Gatto Score: 5/5
1 fight or flight
2 sacrifice
3 no bride
4 love forgiveness
5 Fakery
6 show me