Desolation Angels
Title: King
Label: Dissonance Productions
Released:23rd Feb 2018
At last! I hear people cry!! Desolation Angels are due to release "King" soon!! and I tell you what it’s damn fine! in fact fine is the wrong word.
Unbelievable, classic Metal, outta this world, full to the brim of pure Metal to Melt ya face and have you visiting the chiropracter!
The band consists of Paul Taylor (Vocals) ,Chris Takka (Drums), Clive Pearson (Bass) ,Keith Sharp (Guitar), and Robin Brancher (Guitar) and deliver one mighty belt around the chops with opener "Doomsday" its stomping rhythm combined with killer riffs and oh so powerful delivery impresses from the off as the next song "Another turn of the screw" piledrives into the room , grabs you and shakes the living hell out of you, it’s fast, catchy and addictive the Guitar solo is a wet dream of delicious velocity.
What strikes you is the enthusiasm and energy that oozes out of this platter as seven-minute monster "Devil Sent" wraps its self-round ya lugs and fires up your soul with hellish riffs from Brancher and Sharp combined with Paul Taylors Vocals and just like the previous track I keep returning to, it is Par excellence defined!
oh now "Rotten to the Core" goes for the jugular form the get go, its gritty and angry with the chorus delivered with more venom than a pissed off cobra!
"Blackened Heart" will have you flexing your neck muscles in no time at all as the guitars decimate your speakers , while Clive Pearson on Bass and Chris Takkas Drums continue to bombard you with their Heavy Metal masterclass.
We get a slower kind of power ballad with its strong lyrics and emotion it will give you goosebumps unless you are made of stone, it’s a particularly moving piece and quite a hard listen for this reviewer at this time.
Its back to full on heads down boogie as “Hellfire" has you dancing with the devil as the riff laden tsunami emanates from your sound system.
A more melodic vibe transpires with "Sky of Pain" well it gives your body a rest anyway! as the music flows and takes you on a magical ride of highs and lows.
So, this master class in pure bred Heavy Metal comes to its conclusion with the superb "Demon Inside" another high point where Paul Taylor fully shows his vocal capacity, it’s a stunning end to an exemplary Album
This nine-track monster is a gem of an Album and believe me you will not be disappointed, just wanting more and more music from these veterans of the British Metal scene! Go and see them live in London if you can, "King" is a revelation!
Review:Seb Di Gatto Score:9/10 Facebook
Track Listing:
1. Doomsday
2. Another Turn Of the Screw
3. Devil Sent
4. Rotten To The Core
5. Your Blackened Heart
6. Find Your Life
7. Hellfire
8. Sky Of Pain
9. My Demon Inside
Line Up
Band Members
Paul Taylor (Vocals)
Chris Takka (Drums)
Clive Pearson (Bass)
Keith Sharp (Guitar)
Robin Brancher (Guitar)