Burning Love Meantime Music
Germany has produced some amazing bands and one of them is the highly regarded, but often over looked Cannon. This band has been going since 1986 and completely went off my radar. Now if you love all things Germanic you are in for a bit of a treat with this album. They have the same pedigree as Accept, The Scorpions, Bonfire, Brainstorm, Helloween to name but a few.
Now whenever I hear church bells they always bring back memories of my youth and listening to Iron Maidens 'Hallowed be Thy Name', so that’s always a great start for me with the opening bells and bagpipes?!!? Oh ok the opener is called 'Guardian Pipes' hence the bagpipes! This is a great build up as we are transported into 'Guardian of The Night' and what an ale swilling, barn storming sing-a-long song it is!! By the end of the song if you not singing the chorus you can no longer be on this planet!
'Burning Love' the title track is fists in the air anthem of hard rock with balls to the wall attitude so beloved of Accept! 'Hold Me Love Me' and 'Cold Morning' didn’t really hold my attention, but the rest of the album is pretty impressive, tracks such as 'Heads up with the Devil' really work, and then there’s the ballad 'Goodbye'. Yes we have heard it all before, but it’s likeable.
Then the tempo rocks up again with 'Life' and the excellent, heavy, spewing from the depths of hell 'Holy Devil'. Standout track for me has to be 'Run for Your Life', this is fist punching Metal that’s instantly likeable and stays in your head all day. 'A Light in The Dark' is pretty damn top notch as well, with excellent riffs and it battles into your presence.
'One World' is a competent song to finish a competent album from Cannon. Okay Mat Rein Jaehnke does sound a lot like Udo Dirkschneider, but is that really a bad thing? Now this album has been out a while and I have only really just gotten round to reviewing it, I have seen some bad reviews of this album and a few good, but you know what ... If you love your music with a heavy dose of European metal, massive guitars, horns in the air, fist weilding metal then this is for you!
Review by: Seb Di Gatto
1. Guardian Pipes2. Guardian Of The Night3. Burning Love4. Hold Me, Love Me5. Heads Up With The Devil6. Goodbye7. Life8. Cold Morning9. Bachrock10. Holy Devil11. Dreamer12. Run For Your Life13. A Light In The Dark14. One World