Silverthorne Interview with Pete Shoulder 16/09/2019
MM: It’s great to chat to you today, how pleased are you with media and fans reponses to "Tear the Sky Wide Open"
PS: So far the response has been overwhelmingly positive! People seem to be really liking the song. It’s been picked up by a lot of internet radio stations and we’re getting loads of Spotify plays and all the reviews have been massively complimentary, so we’re delighted. We decided to release this song first because we thought it was the perfect introduction to Silverthorne, but it only scratches the surface of what we’re all about. We can’t wait for people to hear what else we have up our sleeve!
MM: How does the song writing process work within the band? Is it down to one particular person or do you all get involved?
PS: Myself and Brian Tichy wrote all the songs on our forthcoming EP. We would sit down and show each other our ideas and then take it from there. We were incredibly productive in a very short space of time. Brian has a studio and I was staying there and everything is set up ready to record, so if one of us had an idea we could record it immediately. It’s deep in the Santa Clarita Canyons which is a pretty inspiring place to be.
MM: Can you give us some information about the upcoming EP
PS: It’s a five track EP and we’re really pleased with it. It’s a good starting point for the band. We produced it ourselves and it’s very natural sounding in that we didn’t use any of the studio trickery that seems to be used in a lot of modern rock music today. Because of that I think it sounds pretty unique and that’s the way it should be. Every band has their own unique sound when they play together and I think putting loads of computer effects in the way dilutes that and makes everyone sound the same in the end. We can’t wait for people to hear it!
MM: Your feelings on the current Rock scene in the UK
PS: I’ve been away from it for the past few years but from what I can see not much has changed. In that there’s always lots of talent out there but it doesn’t get the support from the industry that it deserves. It’s such a shame the way that rock music is ignored.
MM: Can you tell us your plans for tours and festivals for the rest of the year.
PS: We’re working on that now. We want to get out and play as much as we can and everywhere we can. We’re raring to go!
MM: What can we expect from Silverthorne live?
PS: A powerful, exciting and dynamic show with great songs that will hopefully make you want to come back for more.
MM: What do you like best about touring - how do you rate the importance of being seen live and meeting fans whenever possible?
PS: What I like best is that I get to sing and play songs I’ve written for people every night. Meeting people that like what you do and want to join you for the ride is a real pleasure.
MM: How do you feel after a show, how do you wind down?
PS: It all depends on how I felt about the performance I just did. Afterwards I just try to get to sleep as early as I can!
MM: 3 bands dead or alive would you love to go out on tour with
PS: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Nirvana
MM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own) and why?
PS: Hmm.. that’s a difficult one as I’ve been to some really memorable ones so I can’t really choose. I saw Jason Isbell a couple of years ago though which was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. He’s one of the best songwriters out there and also a great musician so that show had it all for me.
MM: When did you first realise you had such a musical talent and do you remember your first ever performance live.
PS: I started playing the guitar when I was eleven years old and I picked up the basics pretty quickly, mainly because I was completely obsessed with it and was playing every chance I got. I started writing my own songs straight away but didn’t really have any aspirations to be a singer, I just wanted to be a guitarist and write songs. I formed a band with my two friends when I was about thirteen and I agreed to sing in rehearsals until we found a singer. We got asked to play our friends Dad’s fortieth birthday party and because we hadn’t found a singer yet it was left down to me and I remember being terrified! Anyway, it went alright and we started getting asked to play more gigs so I just kept at it. I could sing in tune but I wasn’t that great. It wasn’t until I was about sixteen that people started saying that I could sing and that coincided with me taking it more seriously and wanting to be a better singer.
MM: What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment in the Music world
PS: Having managed not to go completely insane!
MM: What was the last Album you brought/ Downloaded.
PS: Celebrity Mansions by Dinosaur Pile-Up
MM: Which are your Two favourite Albums of all time and what they have meant to you personally
PS: I’d have to put Nevermind by Nirvana in there because it’s what made we want to pick up the guitar in the first place. Choosing favourites is just too hard but I’m going to say Rain Dogs by Tom Waits because it transports me into another world and the songwriting and production are just beyond brilliant.
MM: Can you tell me why we should check out Silverthorne
PS: Because we’re your new favourite band!
Final words for our readers and your Fans
PS: Please support the musicians that you love!