Jeff Carlson Interview 17.04. 20
MM: Maintaining life is paramount these days, this horrendous Virus is not only taking lives its wrecking lives, how much of an effect has it had on your self and the Band as obviously you probably will have or had to cancel tours etc
JC:It has definitely taken a toll on not only our live performances, but just writing, and rehearsing as a band. Even though it is listed under my name, this band is just that, a band that has four guys giving their inputs making it our own. We were supposed to play tomorrow night April 17th with Tesla at the House Of Blues here in Vegas, but that got cancelled. Hopefully this will eventually get to a point to where we can play shows again. I've started an online stream on Facebook on our fan page- JCB Army every Saturday, from 7-7:30 and I do a Q&A along with an acoustic performance for the fans to reach out and still connect with them! It's called "Saturday Night's Alright For Rockin' with Jeff Carlson from Jeff Carlson Band.
MM: All of this Corona Virus, basically Its like being stuck in a horror movie isn't it..between James Herbert and Stephen King, how much of an effect do you think this will have on the Music business?
JC:I think it's dealt a huge blow financially, as well as mentally to not only the fans, but to the bands as well, especially the bands who make their living on touring.
MM: if this virus is still prevalent will you be doing webcasts
JC:Yes- I will still be doing webcasts, absolutely.
MM: Are their plans to release an Album/ EP
JC:We just got done recording and are on the finishing touches of mixdown with our new E.P. which will be titled "Liquid Skye." Hopefully the release will be either end of May or first part of June.
MM: You covered Foreigners "Juke Box Hero" why that particular song
JC:When I was young, my dad used to love that song, and I lost him this year at the end of January, so I really wanted to do something that would not only be a fitting tribute to him, but do a song that en capsuled how I've lived my life in music.
MM: When did you first realize you had musical talent and can you remember your first ever gig.
JC:I guess I realized I had talent around the age of 10, on guitar, and around age 14 on vocals. I played my first ever gig at age 12 and it was a talent show. We played Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It", Motley Crue's "Too Young To Fall In Love" and "Smokin' In The Boys Room-(actually written by Brownsville Station-lol), and we lost to a baton twirler......lmao! I wasn't singing at that time, just playing!
MM: How do you prepare before a performance and do you get nervous
JC:I prepare by warming up my voice, and being as rehearsed with the band not only musically, but vocally as much as possible before each show, and as far as nervousness goes, I try to turn any nervous energy I have over to putting it into the performance and connecting as much as I possibly can with the crowd. I do get nervous sometimes, but I've been playing most of my life, so I've learned how to convert the nervous energy into my live performance. Lol!
MM: how do you rate the importance of being seen live and meeting fans whenever possible?
JC:I rate that extremely important, but due to what's going on right now I can only do a live stream. I do think though, that meeting fans is extremely important to keeping your band in any kind of demand, because so much is still word of mouth and it is really important to build your audience in today's world, because unless you're signed to a major and even then, you have to have a strong fan base to be in any kind of demand.
MM: Which three Bands would be your ultimate touring buddies
JC:1. Frank Hannon Band 2. Tesla 3. Whitesnake
MM: What is the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own)
JC:Ratt/Bon-Jovi 1985 on the Invasion Of Your Privacy/ 7800 Degrees Fahrenheit Tour in Springfield, Missouri
MM: Tell us why we should buy check out the Jeff Carlson Band
JC:I'd like to think that we not only give 110% in our live show, but our music is written with soul and passion for what we do. We are a product of the 70's and 80's with early 90's and we have made our songs along with our live/visual vibe very much our own, that people can hopefully relate to.
1. Vinyl or Digital
2. Pizza or Beer
JC:That's really can't have Pizza without beer! Lol!
3. Metallica or Slipknot
4. Small gig or festival
5. Donald Trump or Kermit the frog
JC:Lol...I try to keep my political beliefs to myself...sorry guys! Lol!
MM: Do you have any Final Words for your fans and our readers
JC:I would really like to thank Seb and the Metal Gods Meltdown for having me! Thanks to Jon, Lior, Sam and everybody over at my label RFL Records and most of all the fans out there who are following me and have supported us thus far! We sincerely hope to see you guys out on the road eventually! May everyone stay safe, and in the words of the great David Coverdale...."Never let anyone make you afraid!" Cheers guys! Jeff Carlson