Cauldron of Chaos Indie Recordings
Extreme Black Metal band 1349 return after a fairly long break between albums.
"Cauldron of Chaos is the groups “ fifth" its been four years to be exact, since they released anything new for their horde of fans, although they have not been inactive in this time , touring and many festival appearances have sated their fans hunger, but now they are ready to command, intimidate and dominate the Extreme Metal world again with eight tracks of hellishly , merciless metal due to explode onto the world on September 29th.
"Cauldron" opens, its frantic and a tumultuous , with blast beats delivered with such manic speed you wouldn't think it humanly possible, this is a track to smash your skull and leave you senseless, then "Slaves" the first single on here is an unstoppable assault on your being , its Savagery and delivery showcases why this band are so highly regarded in this genre of extreme metal.
"Exorcism" worms it’s way into the soul and proceeds to destroy all in its way. "Postmortem" and "Golem" are thrashy and don't disappoint at all. Stuck in the middle of the two trashier numbers we get "Mengele" and it drips with malevolence and venom .
"Chained" is fast and a real speed rush as we approach the final song "Godslayer" it has immense riffs, and leaves you wanting more.
I will leave the Final words for Drummer Frost about the new release
"It's more direct and more profound than anything we've done before”.
The darkness is even more menacing and there are deeper depths. On the other hand, it's kicking a lot more,: because it's more alive -. At least that's how I experience it "
Review : M A Interview with 1349
Track Listing:
2. Slaves
3. Exorcism
4. Postmortem
5. Mengele's
7. Chained